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CDN Advocacy Priorities, CDN Budget Recommendations
NLIHC Maryland Housing Profile
NLIHC Out of Reach Report - Maryland
Community Development encompasses locally-generated initiatives to improve communities economically, physically and socially, for the benefit of the people who live and work there. The community development industry includes nonprofit organizations, public agencies, financial institutions, developers, and individuals.
The core of CDN’s work is representing the community development industry in Annapolis during the Maryland General Assembly. Each year, through its Policy Committee, regional coalitions and engagement with other statewide coalitions, CDN establishes a Policy Agenda. Staff and network members work on legislation throughout the year to p
The core of CDN’s work is representing the community development industry in Annapolis during the Maryland General Assembly. Each year, through its Policy Committee, regional coalitions and engagement with other statewide coalitions, CDN establishes a Policy Agenda. Staff and network members work on legislation throughout the year to prepare for the General Assembly Session, which runs from January to April.
CDN provides capacity building support to community organizations and local governments to help them advance their mission and increase their impact. We offer a wide range of support to help our members undertake programs that improve life in the communities they serve. Most recently, CDN helped to secure scholarships for staff to attend
CDN provides capacity building support to community organizations and local governments to help them advance their mission and increase their impact. We offer a wide range of support to help our members undertake programs that improve life in the communities they serve. Most recently, CDN helped to secure scholarships for staff to attend NeighborWorks training. In 2018, CDN provided counsel to Dorchester County and developed a coaching program to help Maryland housing counselors pass the new HUD Certification exam.
CDN is organizing the state into regional coalitions. These coalitions:
(a) Make sure CDN is touching all of the community development organizations in the state.
(b) Understand capacity building and training needs and provide resources to meet those needs.
(c) Understand common issues in each region, and work with the coalitions to resolve
CDN is organizing the state into regional coalitions. These coalitions:
(a) Make sure CDN is touching all of the community development organizations in the state.
(b) Understand capacity building and training needs and provide resources to meet those needs.
(c) Understand common issues in each region, and work with the coalitions to resolve those issues.
CDN organizes the state into the following regions: Southern Maryland, Eastern Shore, Western Maryland, DC Region, Central Maryland (minus Baltimore City) and Baltimore City.
CDN Publications